Friday 20 May 2016

Watercolour painting #2

I did another painting with water colour after really enjoying my last one. I did another character from the video game I play and tried my best to really work on the skin colours and shading. Nox is the the Goddess of the Night in Greek mythology. Although I believe in actual mythology it's spelt Nyx. She's believed to have such exceptional power and beauty that she was even feared by Zeus himself. She's a mother to many other Greek
deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus (Darkness).

I posted the image onto the Reddit site for Smite and it was very well received. The community are actually very encouraging and really enjoy fan art. 

I also posted the image on DeviantArt and it's probably my most favourited image so far. I used water colours, acrylic white fine liner, white Indian ink and a gold metallic paint. I will produce many more of the characters as I find their costume and character designs to be really beautiful.

Monday 2 May 2016

Watercolour painting

Haven't done any water colouring in just over two years, got even some new range of colours and decided to try them out. Previously I had 8 colours whereas now I have a palette of 24! No white though for some reason, so that's done in acrylic watered down as well as an acrylic white pen.  It's quite different style from how I usually draw but I feel like I'm testing my boundaries a bit and building my portfolio of work!

The painting is of a character named Nu Wa from the video game Smite. Nu Wa is the god of humankind in Chinese mythology and I have quite an interest for historical myths and legends so I think it still fits into my work! It was just nice to paint something different and take a break from so much digital work.